5 minutes with Nicky McMillan

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Each month we feature one of our amazing clients on our blog. This month we’re proud to showcase Nicky McMillan


Tell us a bit about your business:

I liken myself to a ‘people packager’ and ‘confidence cheerleader’ where I help business women/mumpreneurs feel confident within themselves as an image consultant, and connecting confidently with others through body language and communication coaching. The ultimate goal is ‘Replacing Awkwardness with Awesomeness’ where women ultimately feel unstoppable in whatever it is they want to do.


Tell us a bit about yourself:

My father used to say I should be a police officer or journalist because I was inquisitive and asked lots of questions…..I ended up a journo. I then crossed to the ‘dark side’ (as my ABC colleagues called it) to politics, working for senators and ministers. Much of my career was spent hopping to and from journalism/politics due to life’s circumstances such as marrying a farmer and moving back to the country where I help run our wool/sheep/cropping business, along with my own coaching biz……oh, and being a mum to our sassy six-year-old Olive.

I get my kicks spending time with my family; running with our kelpies Banjo, Winston and Billy; people watching (while trying not to be creepy); reading, chuckling at Gary Larson’s Far Side cartoons; cooking; and enjoying a wine while watching the stunning NSW Riverina sunsets over the plains. (see pic below)

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What motivated you to start your own business?

I remember it well. It was about 3am and I was writing a speech for the boss to be delivered in the senate that morning. The topic was irrelevant to the regional communities we represented. I decided then that I’d rather work incredible hours for my own ambitions than someone else’s. I walked away from a good pay check and long career to start afresh in something to do with business.

My confidence plummeted when the ‘WTF have I done’ reality kicked in and it was after seeing an image consultant that I realised what it was I wanted to do – helping other women feel confident within and about themselves. I re-educated and re-skilled as an image consultant and continued on to study human behaviour, expanding my knowledge and services to the business it is now.


What has your business achieved that you’re proud of?

Adding value to people’s lives be it through coaching, workshops, speaking, social media or the ‘Replacing Awkwardness with Awesomeness’ podcast. Having someone email, message, comment or tell you you’ve helped change their life because they feel more confident and inspired…..well that’s priceless and what I get out of bed for.


What are some of the major challenges you’ve faced in your business and how have you overcome them?

Aside from the usual when starting a business, the biggest is mindset and taming Lizzy the Lizard brain (yes, I’ve named it). Reading Robin Sharma’s ‘5AM Club’, I also focus on what the book refers to as ‘heartset’, ‘healthset’ and ‘soulset’. Kind of a holistic approach to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Experiencing early menopause and the emotional rollercoaster with it, I learned the hard way that self care and wellbeing matters or things go pear shaped. Perhaps an unexpected and personal response but I think it’s something that needs to be openly talked about and how we, as a tribe, can support each other.

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Any advice for budding entrepreneurs?

Know your worth.

Don’t compare.

There’s no such thing as ‘failing’ but there’s a thing called ‘flearning’.

Challenges are put there to test our resolve and strengthen our resilience – be self aware and embrace it.

Be yourself and own it – there’s a tribe out there specifically for you, who like you, and want to work with you.

Dream big, have faith and believe – by taking small, even seemingly insignificant steps, daily.

And stick this quote on your vision board: ‘If anyone ever tells you your dreams are silly, remember there’s a millionaire walking around that invented the pool noodle’.


What was the reason you came to Her Lawyer?

I saw Her Lawyer advertised in the Business Chick’s 9 To Thrive Summit and was instantly attracted to Courtney’s services exclusively to business women. After checking the website, I knew Courtney and her team would ‘get it’ in terms of my legal needs.


What was your experience of working with the Her Lawyer team like?

Before stumbling across Her Lawyer, I was dreading the legal process of getting client contracts and T&C documents done, thinking it was going to be complex and timely. But there was no need. Courtney instantly put me at ease and the whole process was straight forward, uncomplicated, efficient, and even pleasant. I honestly could not recommend Courtney and her team highly enough.


How to get in touch with Nicky…

Website: www.nickymcmillan.com.au
Facebook: Nicky McMillan – Body Language & Communication
Instagram: @nickymcmillan and @mcmillanbodytalk

Podcast: ‘Replacing Awkwardness with Awesomeness’ available on various platforms including Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher.

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Courtney Bowie


Courtney is Her Lawyer’s founder and principal lawyer. Before starting the firm in 2017, she worked as both a lawyer and consultant in top-tier law firms. Courtney is passionate about gender equality, mental health and wellbeing, especially in the legal profession.

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