Lawyer mum-of-two does big lap of Australia whilst working from the caravan

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When Jen Clements landed her dream job at Her Lawyer, a virtual law firm servicing ambitious women in business, she had no idea that it would facilitate the packing of her family into a caravan and setting off to explore Australia for a year.

Jen and her boss Courtney have never met in person. They work completely online. Working virtually opened the door of opportunity Jen had been waiting for – flexible working!

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“Many people wait until their kids have left school to embark on a big lap, but we wanted to do it as a family. Our boys (3 and 4 years old) were in full-time day care and my husband and I felt like we never saw them or each other. We wanted to reconnect, make memories and add some excitement and adventure to our lives.“ says Jen.

But there are many hurdles to bucking convention and embarking on a trip like this. Career gaps, finance and schooling to name a few.

“I work 6 hours per day and love my job. I worked out that if I got up early and worked from 5.30-8.30am and then from 1-4pm Monday-Friday, I could fit in my work hours and still spend all morning exploring with the family.” says Jen.

After putting the idea to Her Lawyer, who gave the go ahead on condition Jen had internet and mobile access from Monday-Friday, Jen had two boxes ticked. Her career could continue, and she could help fund the trip. The kids were also young enough not to need home schooling.

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Within the space of 5 weeks Jen’s husband quit his Marketing Management job and took on the role of full-time dad, they rented out their house, sold their cars, bought a 4×4 and a caravan, packed up their lives and set off on their big lap adventure.

“I’m driven by a vision of a future where women don’t have to choose between a fulfilling career and a deeply satisfying personal life. I’m delighted to showcase this by supporting Jen and her family in their adventure. The flexible working arrangement is working well for both of us. Her success is my success.” says Courtney.

For more inspiration, follow Jen’s big lap instragram account: Travel_Magick.

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Her Lawyer is a law firm for ambitious women in business. It partners with female entrepreneurs and small business owners to help them start and grow successful businesses, offering everything from structuring advice, intellectual property protection, commercial leasing and every type of contract you can imagine.

With fixed fees, flexibility and incredible personal service, Her Lawyer is the best choice for women who are looking for more than pages of jargon, hourly rates or off-the-shelf solutions from their lawyers. Contact Us for an obligation-free phone consult.

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Rps Author Profile
Courtney Bowie


Courtney is Her Lawyer’s founder and principal lawyer. Before starting the firm in 2017, she worked as both a lawyer and consultant in top-tier law firms. Courtney is passionate about gender equality, mental health and wellbeing, especially in the legal profession.

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